Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Colour Edition; Bryan Lee O'Malley


has two girls on the go. When he's with Knives Chau, he feels he can erase the past and start over. When he's with Ramona Flowers, he's ready to accept all that and grow up. But Ramona comes with baggage - SEVEN EVIL EX-BOYFRIENDS, each eager to challenge Scott for the right to date her. What happens when Knives and Ramona meet? Which girl will he choose? And why, oh why, can't the past stay past?"

Having read the first of these updated colour editions I was sufficiently impressed to immediately go and buy the second volume. The slow schedule of these releases mean it will be the end of 2014 before we get the complete set (quite a while to wait for material that's just being coloured) but these volumes are handsome enough that I have no problems letting the anticipation build.

As well as the four colour treatment there's a selection of extra's at the back, including character design sheets and an excellent section on how O'Malley used photoreferenced buildings to create the look of Scott Pilgrim's Toronto. Whilst it's nothing like the extra's put into any one of Kirkman's Invincible omnibuses it does add something to be able to see the creative process in action, especially in the character designs.

O'Malley has often spoken about how bemused he is that his art style is so lauded when it's just drawn that way because he can't draw it looking like anything else, but there's a clean, childlike glee to his drawings. His backgrounds and clothing are the most focussed parts of his images (like a manga-inspired James McKelvie) so it's wonderful to get a sense of how these aspects of his craft develop.

The story itself is wondeful, more divergent from the film, especially in creating a true ensemble with Scott at the centre, rather than simply a Scott focussed book. The development of Stacey, Knives and Kim in particular helps, and this is a book full of strong female characters in both supporting and starring roles.

Also Try:
Kieran Gillen, Phonogram
S. Steven Struble, Li'l Depressed Boy
Grant Morrison, Kill Your Boyfriend

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