"Would you like to eat whatever you want and still lose weight? Who wouldn't? Keep dreaming, imbecile.
In the meantime, if you'd like to read something that alternates between laugh-out-loud-funny and apocalyptically angry, keep holding this book. Steal it if necessary.
In his latest collection of rants, raves, hastily spluttered articles and scarcely literate scrawl, Charlie Brooker proves that there is almost nothing in this universe, big or small, that can't reduce a human being to a state of pure blind hatred.
It won't help you lose weight, feel smarter, sleep more soundly, or feel happier about yourself. It WILL provide you with literally hours of distraction and merriment. It can also be used to stun an intruder, if you hit him with it correctly (hint: strike hard, using the spine, on the bridge of the nose)."
Brooker is to mainstream newspaper columnists what 'Worms 3' is to 'Medal of Honour', and that's an analogy I don't feel any necessity to expand on whatsoever
He's one of my favourite writers; a journalist with one of the most distinctive voices going, a man who can spin an insult that skewers the innocent and irritating alike. Some of his columns have changed the way that I refer to people, just for how perfectly he can summarise a person (John Kerry looks like a haunted tree, David Cameron is a Lizard). Everything he writes is readable in his tone; a mix of disgust and hatred, tempered with disappointed fury.
This is late-era Brooker; a writer who's grown up and seems less ready to launch into hyperbolic, tongue rasping invective. He's certainly not mellow but he isn't as fierce as he once was, in part, one suspects because he isn't working the same beat. Slashing the plots and tropes of crap TV, which he did very well on his Screen Burn column is replaced by more general comment pieces on everything from his new hobby of jogging, to computers taking over the world (he dares them) and media ethics. Where his TV analysis does show up (Geordie Shore comes in for an especial shoeing) he remains pithily horrible, which is good.
If he's not quite as scathing as he once was it certainly doesn't lessen the quality of his clear, incisive writing; metaphor laden, frequently hilarious and as prone to bouts of profound profanity laden invective as ever it remains a real joy to read, and usually as much fun to read aloud, pretending to be him, which is something Jalyss hates me doing, so she'll be quite happy to hear I've stopped reading this.
And remember: David Cameron is a Lizard.
Also Try:
Charlie Brooker, David Cameron is a Lizard, http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/oct/09/charlie-brooker-bbc-cuts?INTCMP=SRCH&guni=Article:in%20body%20link and http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/oct/16/charlie-brooker-cameron-a-lizard
Charlie Brooker, Screenburn