Thursday, March 6, 2014

Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together, Bryan Lee O'Malley

"The full-color remastering of the Scott Pilgrim epic continues! It's summertime, but who can relax? Scott's relationship with Ramona Flowers is sweeter than ever, but he's still got girl troubles, seven evil ex-boyfriends still want to kill him, and worst of all, now Ramona wants him to get a job! Kicks, punches, rock & roll, subspace, half-ninjas, experience points, samurai swords, girly action, and laughable attempts to seek gainful employment are all that stand in the way of Scott Pilgrim getting it together! Includes previously unpublished extras, deleted scenes, and exclusive bonus content, all in glorious color!"

This book is where the film really began to diverge from the original story, consolidating the plot into a simpler narrative that fits a bit better for a 90 minute comedy. It does make this a weird book to look back on, as for every great scene that made it in there are two or three that didn't.

Adaptation is a difficult process, and I would be the first to admit that I love the faithfulness of Edgar Wright's movie, but there's a lot cut there that detracts from the overall story, especially Scott's journey towards being less of an ass.

So this is, in essence, an extended cut of the film, even if it was here first. Wright captured the tone admirably which means that the changes he made fit with the characters and situations in the book even if they don't exactly correspond. Basically, Scott Pilgrim vs the World is the anti-Watchmen; thematically consistent, if sometimes removed from the original plot.

Anyway, in conclusion, the book is good, and the film of Watchmen is not.

Also try:
Bryan Lee O'Malley, Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Brian K Vaughan, Runaways
Kieron Gillen, Young Avengers
Matt Fraction, Hawkeye

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